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10 Life Skills You Should Have Before You Get Into a Relationship

 Written by Writer’s Corps member Laura Amatruto  Being in a relationship has its perks: you always have a designated cuddle buddy and someone to talk to about the Game of Thrones. But knowing that a relationship is only as stable and healthy as the people in it, you’ve made it your goal to #lovebetter this […]

5 Ways Your Words Can Empower Your Friend

Our words have power. This is especially true when choosing what to say when we have a friend or loved one who may be in an unhealthy relationship. If you suspect that your friend or family member is in an unhealthy relationship, it’s natural and right to express your concern. Yet when we are very […]

5 Ways To Reconnect With Your Partner After Kids

 Written by Writer’s Corps member Maya Martinkus  Everyone knows that relationships are harder to maintain when kids come along. It’s easy to get lost in the chaos of raising kids; coordinating schedules with school and work and gymnastics lessons and family events while trying to raise decent little human beings is exhausting. And don’t even […]

10 Perfect Questions to Ask On The First Date To Really Get To Know Someone

 Written by Writer’s Corps member Rebecca Martin  When you think of the words “first date,” do you cringe or smile? First dates can be awkward, nerve-wracking, exciting, disastrous, wonderful — any number of things. A big part of this distinction is the first impression you each give and how well you and the other person […]

6 Relationship Green Flags to Look Forward to in a New Relationship

 Written by Writer’s Corps member Gussie Bryan  When you’re considering a committed relationship with someone special, take time to figure out exactly what you’re getting into. After all, your love is a gift. Don’t you want that gift going to someone who truly deserves it? These green flags will help you decide if you’ve found […]

Same-Sex Couples: How to Strengthen Your Relationship

 Written by Writer’s Corps member Vivian Todini There is a fallacy that somehow lgbtq+ relationships are different than straight relationships.  But, whether gay, straight, trans or any other combination, when two people come together to date or to get serious, they face the same highs and lows that surface in any relationship. In the beginning […]

My Unhealthy Relationship Through My Mother’s Eyes [A Bystander’s Perspective]

We’re in my childhood bedroom, in my parents’ house, in my hometown. It is Thanksgiving Day, and my mother and I have just finished dinner. My father would not be home until close to midnight, as the medical field tends to not slow for holidays. My mother sits on the edge of my bed, pensive. We […]

The Surprising Link Between Mass Shootings and Domestic Violence and what you can do about it

 Written by Writer’s Corps member Kathryn Snyder  As we ring in the new year and look forward to the months to come, I wanted to reflect on a few things that should stay in 2017, namely dabbing, the word “lit,” unhealthy partners, guns and violence. When put together, gun violence are two of the most […]

Unlearning Unhealthy Communication Behaviors

 Written by Writer’s Corps member Jade Anna Hughes  I spent a lot of my teens and 20’s avoiding deep relationships because I didn’t trust another person, and I didn’t trust myself. What if I said something wrong? What if they treated me the way my stepfather treated my mother? When you’re brought up in a […]